Three Reasons You Need an Email List

If you are solely marketing your business on "borrowed land" (aka social media), it's time to build an email list because it's something you OWN.

You know we are all about some social media! But we also know that social media should be used with a goal in mind. Let us help you with this task and share three reasons why an email list should be a priority in your business. Before we get into this, let us say that we also LOVE text marketing but let's just focus on the email list today. However, if you don’t have an email list and DO have a text list, pat yourself on the back! That will do just fine but if you can build both, even better!

Did you know that less than 6% of your followers even see your posts on social media. Before you get too discouraged, don’t let that stat keep you off the platform(s) where your ideal customers are hanging out. Use social media to build your list! You can drive sales with your email list when used with the right messaging.

Three reasons why you need an email list:

  1. Focusing all your time on social media isn’t likely maximizing your time. You need to grow something that you have complete control of and you do not have control your social media. Yes, you can control what you post but who sees it is up to the habits and behaviors of those followers. With an email list, you directly reach the right people with the right message without having to think about algorithms. So, email will deliver real results!
  2. You want to build something that you OWN. You don’t own your social media followers but you do own your list. Did you know that your message is 5x more likely to be seen when it’s sent in an email? When you’re only focusing solely on social media, you are doing business on “borrowed land.” Think about what happens when Facebook or Instagram aren’t functioning properly...this has happened, ya know. You are at their mercy. Those with an email list have nothing to worry about because they can still communicate with their people. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to your marketing strategy! You can and will make sales from your list if you build and grow, and use it properly.
  3. It’s critical for you to have a place that you can reach your customers with timely information. You cannot rely on social media alone when you need to reach your people in a timely manner. You can quickly communicate with the right people and get your message to them without sitting and wondering if they’ll ever even see it. 

If you think you don’t have time for growing an email list, we have a STRONG suggestion. You HAVE to have a list so you need to make this a priority. You need to start sending emails that serve and building trust that way because working your business solely on the social platforms is just dangerous...remember, that’s “borrowed land” and you’ve got to take control over your business. If you don’t know how to set a list up or know where you start, we can help! We have an email marketing course you can grab where we will teach you how to use the technology to set up a list, how to communicate and serve your list, and more.

Categories: : Email List