Common Mistakes Made in Stories on Social Media

Common mistakes we see people making in stories could be hurting your business. Make a few adjustments and you'll be just fine!

After you have finished reading this blog, head over to our IGTV and watch as Becca goes more in-depth on these common mistakes. The video is just under 15 minutes and will also give a few more tips so you can show up in the very best way for your followers.

Here are some common mistakes we see in stories that make you look like you don't know what you're doing which will cause people to swipe on by or worse....unfollow you. If you've done any of these things, don't worry. It's not too late to do better!!!

1) Only sharing feed posts to stories and without any context

2) Placing stickers too close to the edges.

3) Not utilizing video of you talking to your followers, having fun, and showing your authentic self. No one likes perfection because they can't relate so there's no need to worry about that.

4) Not using the stickers IG provides. This is a free way to get your followers to interact with you. Over time, if used in the right way, you can really create a wonderful community!

Again, if you have made any of these mistakes, take a deep's not game over. You can do better now that you know better. You are going to rock your stories! Don't forget to go to our Instagram account and watch the IGTV with the title Common Mistakes Made in Stories. If you aren't following us, please give us a follow so you don't miss our tips!

Categories: : Facebook, Instagram